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Chapter 6: CEGEP

After being an honour student her entire school career, Kate decided that she had had enough. Though she could easily have gotten into honours science at CEGEP, she was sick of the competition and the stigma of being in the “advanced” classes. She went into the regular science stream. Kate loved CEGEP. It was nice to be around different people, not the same ones that she had seen day in, day out for the last five years. Kate made many new friends, and became better friends with some people she hadn’t really known from high school. She loved her classes, and she liked that she could make her own schedule. She had choice over her courses and she could chose not to go if she so desired! She usually went, though, because she really did like CEGEP.

Kate took a course called Forensic Anthropology as an elective. This course made Kate decide what she wanted to do: she wanted to study bones. She had a project for this course where she had to assemble a skeleton and determine what killed it. She got to play with real human bones! She loved the course and was passionate about this project. She wanted to be a forensic anthropologist.

The CEGEP years also held the momentous 18th birthday, when Kate could finally legally go to bars! Clydes became her hang out, and she loved going every Friday to hang out with a few beers with her friends.

2005 At the 211--going downtown

When she was 18, Kate found herself a Jordan. She’s brought him along for the ride ever since.

During the CEGEP years, Kate defined her love of music, and she went to a great many concerts. She went to many of these with Jordan.

In the summer that followed CEGEP (which Kate graduated from on the honour roll, despite her efforts to avoid this whole “honour” system), Jordan and Kate went on a trip to Boston. There, Kate discovered many magical things, like giant prehistoric armadillos, and 60 oz bottles of vodka for $8.99. She also helped Jordan lead the ducks to…well, right where they were. Then there was IHOP. An entire house dedicated to pancakes! Not only was it a house of pancakes, but they had FOUR different kinds of syrup. FOUR! The people at the table next to her could not understand why Kate was so excited, but they took having four different kinds of syrup for granted! (Kate would unfortunately be disappointed that none of those four were real maple syrup, apparently spoiled by living so near to the source of maple).

2005 @ Rilo Kiley concert

2006 Good prehistoric armadillo

2006 Lead those ducks!

2006 WHHHAAAATTT? No. Way.

2006 IHOP

2006 OMG FOUR!!!

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