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This is me.

2011 This is Kate. This is cake.

This is my name.

This is my story.

On this site, you can find out where I came from, where I am, and what brought me to this point.

This is the story of me.
This is my place in time and space.

  • Timeline
    What happened to me, what happened in the world. Sometimes me and the world were on the same page.
  • What’s in a Name?
    Who is Kate E. Brindal Poirier? What does that mean anyway? Find out here.
  • Geneological Chart
    This is where I come from, my genealogy.
  • The Story of My Life
    This is where you can read about the important chapters of my life.

You can also find the links to each section as a page header, a page footer, and on the right hand side. You can never get lost in my life–that’s my job!

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